Hello, are you encouraging, friendly and enthusiastic about swim, bike, run or all three? If yes, then we need you! To help take the pressure off and make supporting our sessions easier we are looking for more helpers. This is simply setting out the sessions for swimming, delivering a session plan at running or coming up with a great cafe stop for our club ride 😊 In return the club will pay you annual membership and if you help out at a paid session, you will get the next session for free! In order to help you don't need to go on a lengthy course, British Triathlon have introduced and one day "activator" course that you can go on. Alternatively if you do want to complete triathlon or discipline specific training that would also be great. We can apply for funding so you won't have to pay for this. If you click on the below link it’ll take you to a page with links to level 1 Tri coach and activators. https://www.britishtriathlon.org/east/news/2018-19-east-coach-education_9253 Please let Roly or myself know if you are interested or have any questions. Thanks SuzyÂ
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