Dear BTC member,
As you are aware Beccles Tri Club (BTC) is affiliated to England Athletics (EA) this means that if you so chose, you can now compete under BTC for running events and receive reduced entry fees through the affiliation.
How it works;
If you are already affiliated to a running club, then you will need to complete a transfer from your original club to BTC, this needs to be completed online through the EA website and a fee of £10 is payable to England Athletics for this, this fee goes directly to England Athletics and has nothing to do with BTC, this fee is payable for up to 3 years if you have or were a member of a running club. After this has been processed you can then pay the yearly subscription to EA (£15) into the Beccles Tri bank account and I can complete your registration for you (details below)
HSBC (BTC Account) Account Number: 71737740 Sort Code: 40-30-28
If you have not been a member of a running club ever or for the past 3 years, I can add your affiliation directly, a fee of £15 is payable to England Athletics for the affiliation, this fee will give you affiliation until 31/03/2019 and is an annual subscription. Anyone wishing to affiliate in this way can make a payment to the BTC bank account before 01/04/2019 to secure the yearly affiliation (please state your name and that it is for EA in reference). I can then do the rest and get you registered.
Through registration you will be able to gain reduced entry to races
Gain discounts through EA partners
Choices for members;
1. Do nothing - if you are happy with your affiliation with your current running club or don't wish to affiliate - great there is no pressure to change
2. Switch club - you will need to complete the transfer form and pay £10 to switch club, if you have already paid your existing club your 2018/19 affiliation then no further fee is required as your affiliation has already been paid through membership to your current club.
3. Join - Pay £15 into the club bank account quoting your name as reference to allow me to complete your details and I will be in touch individually regarding this.
4. For those wishing to transfer from clubs - you will need your URN - I cannot search for these on your behalf but the Club Secretary of your current club will be able to assist you with this information if you do not have it.
Please shout if you need any further information or email me at becclestriclub@hotmail.com